2017-05-15 13:36
Parliamentary candidate of ?8 electoral district (Gegharkunik region, Armenia) from the Republican Party ranking list
«Da Facto» № 130(2017)
-Mr. Arzakantsyan, the most important political event – parliamentary elections – is expected in Armenia. The Republican Party nominated your candidacy in your native region – Gegharkunik. It’s interesting to know why did you decide to take part in the elections, and why hadn’t you been nominated for the previous parliamentary elections?
– For me the work of a deputy is first of all a great responsibility towards my motherland and my nation. Before running for Parliament I should be sure that I’ll be able to dedicate a part of my time and energy to the legislative work and actively participate in the country’s development.
The reason of not taking part in the previous elections was a subjective one. I had unfinished work, problems that I needed to fix on my own, and I also decided to spend more time with my family, my children, my parents. I should note that the last four years were quite productive for me. I’ve had many achievements in the business sphere. I’ve strengthened my position in the local and international markets.
It’s important for me to stand firmly on my own feet, to create stable future for my children and my brother’s children, and the most important is to be useful for my motherland, my nation, to develop the economy and create jobs. I’ve always shared my financial achievements with the people of my little motherland. All my conscious life I spent in that way, starting from 1990s, when I took my first steps in the business sphere.
Today I can trust the management of my companies to my sons and just follow their work from afar, giving them advice if necessary, and I can dedicate myself again to the legislative work, especially, when I see the critical situation of our economy. I believe that I can be useful for the RA economy by participating in the legislative work of the RA Parliament, as I had been twice elected as an MP, I have experience, knowledge and a strong desire to serve my nation.
Today the number one problem of our country
is ensuring security and peace, protecting
human rights, developing the economy, strengthening democracy.
-Which was the scope of your activities during the last four years?
-I’ve been involved in the RA mining sector, in the gold production in the village of Lusajour, Hrazdan, by establishing AMGM Company. At first I was the full-fledged owner of the company, but in 2013 I decided to sell shares for making the company’s activities and management more effective. Now the company has three shareholders. Besides, I established “Tudor” Company in the city of Cognac, France. The company produces brandy.
-Mr. Arzakantsyan, in 2016, as a result of constitutional reforms our country adopted a new – parliamentary – model of management. How would you assess that step?
-I think that it was a very right decision made by the top leadership of our country, as it gives us an opportunity to build a more civilized state, to improve our laws for fully achieving rule of law in our country.
-Which will be your slogan during the pre-election campaign?
-All the Republican candidates are guided by the RPA slogan - “Security and Progress” - that is close to me. It’s ideologically close to the slogan that I’ve had for many years - “For people”. Today the number one problem of our country is ensuring security and peace, protecting human rights, developing the economy, strengthening democracy.
-You’re a respected and loved person in Gegharkunik region of Armenia. The region’s population has seen and assessed the work you’ve been doing for many years. How would you assess your chances? Are you ready for a “hot race”?
-The region’s population really knows me and my family. They witnessed our work, felt our respect and love. I never liked saying loud words, giving promises. I preferred working, rather than speaking about it. I mostly kept silent.
As for being ready, I should note that I never step into any process unprepared. I’m ready for the race, as my goals are noble, and people will only benefit from their accomplishment. I think that the population is able to make right judgments and choices.
-Which are the most painful issues that Gegharkunik faces today? What projects do you plan to carry out after being elected?
-All the candidates run for the upcoming parliamentary elections guided by the party program, which includes provisions that I believe will be quite effective for our region. Today the most painful problem in Gegharkunik region is the lack of jobs, and the key to solving this problem is the economic development, creation of local industries, providing jobs for people. This is really the most effective way, in which I was convinced based on my own experience.
When in 1997 I took up wine and brandy production, established factories in Echmiadzin, Oshakan, Ashtarak, a process of massive destruction of vineyards had already begun. And when I initiated grape harvesting from all peasant farms, they stopped the destruction work and started to bring their products to our factories. There were so long lines that the process was taking 24 hours. Only the first year I paid the farmers 7 mln USD for the harvested grapes. After that they started to expand their vineyards and develop them in the best way for getting a high-quality crop.
The problems of the region include gasification, installation of water pipelines, cleaning activities of the River Gavar. I should note that when I was an MP, I did work in all that directions. In collaboration with the RA Government, we’ve improved all the sidewalks and roads leading from the entrance of Gavar to the Square.
Now I have a great desire to establish alcohol processing factory in Gavar. I have an agreement with Gavar’s Mayor, according to which he should provide the residents with plots, for cultivation of wheat, with affordable rents. I’ve promised to pay 25-30 percent of the rental sum in advance to ensure that people won’t have difficulties, and during the harvesting time all their products will be procured by the factory. Initially, there will be more than 100 jobs, and during the harvesting time their number will significantly increase.
I have a great desire to create a production of natural juices, which will again contribute to the development of the local production and job creation. I intend to create environmentally friendly, bio products made of aromatic and delicate goods of the Armenian highland.
-Mr. Arzakantsyan, is it true that the new electoral system has led to conflicts inside parties?
-I haven’t been in any conflict situation, and I think that I’ll never be in such a situation. The new electoral system gives an opportunity to come up as a team, to take part in the team elections, when the interests of a whole team are important. All we should work for the party’s victory, it should be our common goal, in that case no conflict can arise. Anyway, I’m of that opinion. I’m a member of the Republican Party, member of the RPA board, and I’ll be with my party regardless of the elections’ outcome.
-What do you think of the fact that before the elections many politicians move from one party to another, speaking badly about the political force the member of which they had previously been?
– I have a very bad attitude to this fact, moreover, I consider unacceptable such behavior of a politician, as the party is like a family, where there can be difficulties and disagreements, but they can be solved, like in families. However, leaving the family and starting to humiliate it is first of all a humiliating step for the one who left. Such a politician can be respected neither by nation, nor by different political circles. I think that a person should be stable both at work and in his family.
-Whom would you like to see in the newly-formed parliament?
-In the newly-formed parliament I’d like to see people who are first of all patriots with great amount of knowledge, rich biography, who are ready to use their ideas to contribute to the development of our country. Looking at the lists of candidates, particularly Republicans, I think a new quality parliament will be formed, as I see new, young people, fresh forces that are able to work effectively.
Politics is the sphere that gives an opportunity to combine
the wishes and capabilities for strengthening the state
in the light of internal and external challenges.
-Mr. Arzakantsyan, it’s interesting to know, according to you, what is politics and what kind of person should a politician be?
I think politics is the sphere that gives an opportunity to combine the wishes and capabilities for strengthening the state in the light of internal and external challenges. An atmosphere of fairness for all the layers of society should be created in the country. Everyone should feel appreciated for fulfilling the obligations towards the country. It’s necessary to create favorable conditions for business development, growth of investments. The state should encourage the entrepreneur’s work, so that the latter fulfills his tax obligations towards the country with pleasure.
And the politician should serve the nation and contribute to the implementation of the above-mentioned ideas with his activities, by investing his knowledge, experience and ideas.
-How would you assess Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan’s attempts aimed at pulling the economy out of the crisis?
-I appreciate the work Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan does, his attempts, as he is a good professional guided by modern approaches to the work. He offers realistic solutions aimed at pulling the economy out of the crisis. After all, he was the first Vice-Chairman of Russia’s second largest bank - “Gazprombank” OJSC, as well as the Chairman of the Board of “ArmRusgazprom” CJSC.
“Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund is 15 years old.
This is an apolitical activity - my personal desire and initiative.
-Doing good deeds plays an important role in your life. What can you say about “Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund?
-I should note that “Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund has a special place in my life, because I get great pleasure from its activities. The fund is already 15 years old. This is an apolitical activity – my personal desire and initiative.
During 15 years of operation “Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund has carried out many projects. Although my mother manages it, but I always follow the activities of the fund. I’m happy that our family is able to be helpful to our region’s educational institutions, needy families, families with many children, families of freedom fighters, WWII veterans, by solving their problems, celebrating holidays with them, organizing concerts, providing pleasant surprises in the form of gifts, etc.
“Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund’s activity goes on and very soon the official website of the fund will be ready, where anyone will be able to find full information on 15 years of activity of “Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund.
-According to you, which is the most significant initiative of the fund?
-For me all the projects initiated by the fund are important. For example, every September 1 we provide stationery, bags and all the necessary things for the first grade pupils of Gavar and nearby villages (17 communities). My mother visits all the schools, congratulates children, gives them gifts and tries to make them happy.
I’m happy that my mother and other members of my family are involved in the activities of the charity fund. It was a great joy for me that in 2014 my nephew Noah decided to spend his earnings to renovate and furnish a game room of Gavar’s special school and provide necessary games for children, trying to make their life more colorful and interesting.
We have different activities, but among all our projects I’d like to highlight the project directed to the army. It was carried out in 2008. Within the framework of the project “Tigran Arzakantsyan” charity fund allocated over 15 mln USD to the army. Each time I remember about this project, I become happy that I’ve managed to provide such a great assistance to our army. I’d like the majority of Armenian businessmen be ready to allocate a part of their revenues to the army. In that way we’d be able to strengthen our army - the main guarantor of our security - in a short period of time.
-The April War caused great pain to our nation, but also created a unique atmosphere of unity. What lessons should be learnt from the April War?
-Indeed, those days changed many things in our lives. Each soldier’s death is a great loss for all of us. Our children deserve to live in peace, but our neighbor Azerbaijan doesn’t want to accept its defeat in the war and realize that the Armenians are ready to fight for every inch of their land and confront all the difficulties. We showed the world that we are a patriotic and dignified nation and we are ready for heroic deeds to protect our motherland.
All Armenians were united during those days. The Armenia-Diaspora worlds were united. My sons returned from different countries of the world and left for Artsakh without even warning me. Of course, our enemy also witnessed all this, and the April War was first of all a big lesson for them. As for us, the most important thing to be done is to ensure stable development of the economy and become stronger. In that case the whole world will reckon with us.
Me and my family always strive to live in truth, to be honest
with ourselves and people surrounding us, to give and receive kindness,
honesty, to build true relations.
-What are you proud of in your life?
-I’m proud of being Armenian, having traditional Armenian family, good children. I think the most important values for every Armenian are motherland and family.
-What kind of future do you want for your children?
-All my children received their education at the best universities of the world. It was a purposeful step taken by me, as I wanted them to receive high-quality education and to return to Armenia for using their knowledge for motherland. Today they are here: they work and contribute to the development of their homeland. Their dream is seeing Armenia stronger, and today I want my dreams and the dreams of my sons and all the Armenians come true.
-Are there absolute truths for you?
-For me the absolute truth is God. I’ve always felt his presence and support in my life, especially after the assassination attempts organized against me. I’ve saved many lives, helped those in need and got the answer to all this from God.
For me the absolute truth is the motherland, which is my home, my place of birth.
For me the absolute truth is the love towards my parents and children, who are my light, my hope, my biggest wealth.
Me and my family always strive to live in truth, to be honest with ourselves and people surrounding us, to give and receive kindness, honesty, to build true relations.
-It’s interesting, were there disappointments in your life?
-Of course, there were. Unfortunately, I lived such moments, but they taught me to look at life from other side, to see and hear people differently, to distinguish false words from honest and sincere attitude. After the assassination attempt organized against me in 2007, I started to give a new meaning to my life, people and my plans. After that I never make hasty decisions, I don’t believe words immediately, I think about a little problem for a long time, weighing my every step.
My work is immortal, and I'm strong with you.
-Do you believe in miracles?
-Human’s existence is already a miracle. It’s a great pleasure for him, when he creates a miracle. I believe that God gave human-beings all the opportunities for creating miracles, becoming their own heroes, believing and trusting themselves, creating lasting values and not waiting that a miracle will happen in their lives. That’s already a fairy tale.
-What is the role of love in your life?
-Love is the highest feeling which ennobles one’s spirit, makes him better and pushes for beautiful deeds. The basis of everything good is love, and everything done with love is crowned with success. I believe in the strength of love and I put love into everything. Life has no meaning without love, and being happy is impossible without love.
-And at the end, what would you like to say to your voters?
-Dear compatriots, I urge all of you to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections, to appreciate your vote and vote for a worthy candidate. My work is immortal, and I'm strong with you.
Interview by Susanna Tamazyan
Translated by Shoghik Pahlevanyan

2016-06-08 12:04
Gevorg Avetisyan